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Segregated water fountains
Multiethnic believers in the early church

Why Are Churches Segregated?

If we are going to build genuine multiethnic unity in the church we must understand how we became segregated and why segregation persists.

Neither Jew nor Greek

Paul was not saying that we should "look past color" and ignore ethnic/racial differences.

Cartoon on incivility

Unity Requires Civility

Unity in a multiethnic church requires that we be civil to those outside our political tribe.

Line of men that look the same.

Uniformity is Not Unity

When Jesus prays that we would be one, He was not praying for uniformity.

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Case Against Agility

Agile decision making doesn't work well in multiethnic churches.

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Becoming Flexible and Adaptable

To build multiethnic unity we must become flexible and adaptable.

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Being Color Brave

Being color brave means actively embracing and celebrating the richness of diversity while confronting the challenges of racial differences with courage and compassion.

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E Pluribus Unum?

His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.

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