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A Biblical Response To Structural Oppression 

Lament is a Biblical response to structural oppression.

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Acts 6 and Systemic Racism

Preaching the gospel and transforming hearts are not the sole solutions to racism.

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Colorful Dress
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Deepen Your Understanding Of Racial Realities

True discipleship requires us to deepen our understanding of racial realities and injustices.

Renew Our Minds And Uproot Our Bias (Romans 12:2)

We must identify and uproot our bias is we are to build multiethnic unity within the church and solve racial inequality in our local communities.

 Rediscovering Lament

Lamenting corporately can transform systemic pain and build solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are in pain.

Biblical Call To Wake Up

Discipleship isn't just about believing what Jesus said or doing his work, it is about waking up and staying awake.

What does the Bible say about race and colorblindracism?

Hungry People and Full People

Righteousness requires that you not be satisfied until injustice is thoroughly unmade and remade in God's image.

David Platt Sermon

Let justice roll down like waters; Racism and our need for repentance.

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