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Race in America

Phil Vischer explains why racial disparities exist.

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Race in America 2

Phil Vischer speaks to questions raised by his video: Race in America.

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Identifying Structural Racism

How can we determine if our systems are broken or if the problem is just broken individuals?

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Are Black Americans Inferior?

Why are there racial disparities?  Is it racism or are Black Americans inferior?

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Stories From Black Congregants

Stories of how our black congregants experience our multiethnic churches.


Racial Bias and Privilege

This exercise highlights the connections between race and privilege.

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Allegories on Race and Racism

Christ followers should respond to Allegories on Race and Racism with open hearts, seeking to understand the underlying messages of justice, compassion, and unity, in line with the teachings of Christ.

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We Settle For Treatments Instead Of Solutions

Mentoring, improving schools and poverty initiatives treat symptoms but don't solve structural racism.

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