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Why Pastors Must Talk About Race

Why do I talk so much about race in my sermons?  Because the Bible does.

Reading Comic Book

One Book, One Story

The Bible is one connected story of God building His multiethnic church.

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The Great Commission

Multiethnic unity is integral to The Great Commision.

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All Hands In
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Case For Unity 

Multiethnic oneness and evangelism are inextricably linked.

Racial Reconciliation Is Part of The Gospel Demand

Racial reconciliation is actually part of the Gospel demand.  It is not an implication of the Gospel; it ...

Why Do We Seek Diversity 

Why should we be intentional about building diverse churches?

Mystery Of The Gospel
Of Christ.

Paul labels our blindness to God's multiethnic mission "the mystery of the Gospel of Christ".

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Church of Ephesus

Multiethnic unity in the church is important to God.  When the church in Ephesus lost that unity, the Lamb removed their lampstand.

What Is Unity?

Jesus prays that we would be one.  But how does the Bible define unity?

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