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His Story is Our Story


“Embracing Unity” is a non-profit organization dedicated to building genuine multiethnic unity in the church.  It is our belief that if we achieve multiethnic unity within the church, our communities will be so amazed that they will point to us and say, “that must be Jesus at work”, and it will ultimately transform our communities as well.


Our efforts include a multiracial small group experience, this sharable archive of some of our materials, and a private forum where we discuss issues related to building genuine multiethnic unity.


Join our Embracing Unity forum by clicking Facebook in the menu above or find us at:


We Believe 

  • We believe in the authority of Scripture.

  • We believe all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16.

  • We believe God’s story is bigger than our story and that we are called to join God in His central mission.

  • We believe we are called to preach the Gospel to the nations.

  • We believe reconciliation and unity in the body of Christ are central to God’s mission.

  • We believe evangelism and racial unity are inextricably linked.

  • We believe discipleship requires us to follow the teachings of Christ in how we live our daily lives.

  • We pray that God’s Kingdom would be established in us and through us.

  • We pray that God’s will be done in our families, our churches, our communities, just as we understand God’s will in heaven.

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